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Personal Accountability Club, the Personal PAC

  • Connect with like-minded individuals looking to build real relationships. 

  • Coaching directed toward Self-improvement, managing time and relationship with Spouse, Family, and Friends

  • Move the needle on personal goals, hold yourself accountable, and reignite your passion.

Schedule: First Tuesday of the month

The Collective is available for those wanting to connect with like-minded individuals. I have split the group into two based on feedback, goals, and needs. The focus is development, support, connection, and education.


Calls are the first Tuesday of the month.

One hour per month. 10AM*, 11AM, 2:30PM*, and 4:30PM.

RSVP by responding. I will ensure you are enrolled the preferred group.


PAC 1*- Women in Business with revenue from $500k to 1.5 Million

PAC 2 - Women in Business that launched a business within a few years or considering starting one.


$27 monthly fee includes group call, access to others, and weekly emails with worksheets or videos. Are you in?


Group call with concepts and community

A featured guest will be offered quarterly

Private Facebook Group for ongoing support

Monthly Cost: Join $27 per month

PAC - Professional

Price Options
$27.00every month until canceled
    • 3-month minimum, billed monthly.

    • You must register by the 5th of the month to get started that month.

    • Cancellation policy:  After the initial 3 months cancel by the 5th of the month to avoid future billing. You can still attend the current monthly calls for that month. For example,  cancel by the 5th of your third month to avoid being charged for a fourth. 

    • During the 3 months, you can choose to change PACs, but you must do so by the 5th of that month.

  • Q- What if I cannot attend a class? 

    A- All meetings will be recorded, and the video will be sent to you by email afterward. You will also still have access to the Facebook group, so you can still connect directly with the community. 

    Q- Can I switch PACs?

    A- Yes. You may switch back and forth between the PACs, you just need to decide and inform staff by the 5th of that month, to avoid missing anything important and disrupting the flow of the group. 

    Q- Is there an option to attend both PACs? 

    A- Yes.  The Join the PAC option allows you to participate in both groups at a discounted rate. This way you can see the most results in your personal and professional life. Learn more here. 

    Q- Are these groups offered at any other times? 

    A- No, currently the courses are only offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays biweekly from 11-noon.

    Q- Can I buy just one month at a time?

    A- No, not at this time. While three months may seem like a lot right now, it’s the best way to see the results of your coaching. Three months creates a financial, physical, and mental commitment that will let you get the most out of the group. 

    Q- Is there a discount for buying a full year's worth at once instead of the monthly debit? 

    A- Yes, if you’d like to prepay for the entire year there is a 10% discount. You will be charged one time, and have access to your PAC(s) for the next 12 months. There are no refunds, or pauses if you prepay for the year. 

    Q- Is there an option to work with just Jenny? 

    A-Yes. If you’d like one-on-one coaching with Jenny, she currently offers 30-minute one-on-one coaching. Check out her schedule and sign up here. 

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